Trademark Rejections: Pandemic Edition

Disasters and protests tend to bring out opportunists who attempt to capitalize on a popular term or rallying cry.  This often ends in trademark applicants burning money on trademark applications that will likely end in both rejection by the United States Patent and...

Current Blockchain Issues in Patent Law

By James Heracklis Blockchain Patentability Background Since blockchain technology was created in 2008 by the founder of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, it has been difficult for the patent community to understand how to best handle blockchain innovations.  The algorithms...

Illinois Office

790 Estate Drive, Suite 200
Deerfield, Illinois 60015
Tel. 847-770-6000
Fax. 847-770-6006

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1434 Spruce Street, Suite 100
Boulder, Colorado 80302
Tel. 970-599-0008
Fax. 720-726-8001



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